Prof. Dr. Indra Bahadur Karki

Designation : Dean
Faculty of Science, Health and Technology, Nepal Open University 
(Since 2074/10/02- present) 
Mailing Address : Nepal Open University, Manbhawan, Lalitpur 
Address : Kathmandu–31, House No. 178, Shankhamul, Kathmandu, 
Phone (+977) 9849384455(mobile) 
Email :  and  
Date of Birth : 1959 -11-22 
Place of Birth : Morang, Nepal 
Field of Research : Environmental Solar Energy, Nanorod with ZnO based Dye-sensitized solar cells, Renewable Energy and Utilization of Solar Energy, Thin film Solar cells, Solar Photovoltaic Systems and Solar Cells. 
Members : NOU Senate; IEEE member (Nepal Chapter); Nepal Physical Society (Life)  
Qualification : 
Ph. D.: Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan University; Nepal (2014) Environmental Physics: Ben-Gurion University; Israel (2003) 
M.Sc. in Physics: Central Department of Physics, T.U., Kirtipur (1988) 
Post Graduate in Renewable Energy Utilization:  Anna University, Chennai (1997)

Title of PhD Thesis : Fabrication, Characterization and Application of ZnO thin films  
                                    Nanorod in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells and Gas Sensors.  
Academic Supervisors :  Prof. Dr. Jeevan Jyoti Nakarmi, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu   
                                           & Prof. Dr.  Suman Chatterjee, North Bengal University, WB., India. 
M. Sc. Thesis : AC- Module type DC-AC Inverters for Grid Connected Photovoltaic (PV) Systems: A Study of Their Performance Dependence on External Conditions. 
Supervisor : Prof. Dr. David Faiman, Ben-Gurion University, Israel.

Journal Refereeing:
Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, India; Journal of Applied Physics, India; Patan Pragya Journal (Editorial Board Member), Patan Gyan Sagar, Nepal (Editor-In- Chief).                     
Thesis & Project Guide:
PhD Students – 2 (On going)
M.Sc. Thesis Students – 25 (completed) M.Sc. Thesis & Project Students – 15(On going) 

Selected Publications:

  1. P.M. Shrestha, N.P. Chapagain, I.B. Karki, KN Poudyal (2020), Variation on Atmospheric Transmittance Solar Radiation at Kathmandu Valley, Journal of Nepal Physical Society 6 (1), 105112.
  2. U. Joshi, K.N. Poudyal, I.B. Karki and N.P. Chapagain (2020), Evaluation of Global Solar Radiation using Sunshine Hour, Temperature and Relative Humidity at Low Land Region of Nepal, Journal of Nepal Physical Society 6 (1), 16-24.
  3. G.N. Gnawali, S.P. Shrestha, K.N. Poudyal, I.B. Karki and I. Koirala (2019), Study on the effect of growth-time and seed-layers of Zinc Oxide nanostructured thin film prepared by the hydrothermal method for  liquefied petroleum gas sensor application, BIBECHANA Vol.16, pp145-153.
  4. I.B. Karki, and S. Chatterjee (2018), Effect of Photoanodes on the Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Proceedings of Renewable Energy Technology for Rural Development, RETRUD- 2018, Kathmandu.
  5. I.B. Karki (2015), Effect of Temperature on the I-V Characteristics of a Polycrystalline Solar Cell, Journal of Nepal Physical Society, Vol.3, No.1, pp 35-40.
  6. I.B. Karki, J.J. Nakarmi, and S. Chatterjee, (2015), Synthesis of zincoxide nanorods and its application to humidity sensor,  Journal of Institute of Science and Technology, Vol.20, No.1, pp 36-30.
  7. I.B. Karki, J.J. Nakarmi, P.K. Mandal, and S. Chatterjee, (2014), Dye sensitized solar cells with natural dye extracted from Indian Jamun, BIBECHANA, Vol.11, No.1, pp 26-32. 
  8. I.B. Karki, J.J. Nakarmi, P.K. Mandal, and S. Chatterjee, (2013), Low cost dye sensitized solar cell with Zinc oxide, Journal of Institute of Science and Technology, Vol.18, No.2, pp 72-76.
  9. I.B. Karki, and D. Faiman (2013), Solar spectral influence on the performance of crystalline based photovoltaic modules under hot weather conditions, Scientific World, Vol.11, No.11, pp. 48-51.
  10. I.B. Karki, J.J. Nakarmi, P.K. Mandal and S. Chatterjee (2012),  Performance of ZnO based dyesensitized solar cells, Abstract Book, Sixth National Conference on Science and Technology, NAST, September 25-27, 2012, Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 200.
  11. I.B. Karki, J.J. Nakarmi, P.K. Mandal, Suman Chatterjee, (2012), Absorption of natural dyes and their effect on efficiency of ZnO based dye-sensitized solar cells, Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 13, No.1, pp 179-185.
  12. 1.I.B. Karki, J.J. Nakarmi, P.K. Mandal and S. Chatterjee (2012), Study of tea aroma based on Zinc oxide nanorod sensing element, The Himalayan Physics, Vol. 3,No. 3, pp. 1-5.
  13. I.B. Karki, J.J. Nakarmi, P.K. Mandal and S. Chatterjee (2012), Study of Photovoltaic Performance of Natural Dye based  DSSC using One-Diode Model Equivalent Circuit Analysis, The Journal of University Grants Commission, Vol. 1, No.1, pp. 1-12.
  14. I.B. Karki, S. Chatterjee, J. J. Nakarmi, D. Sinha, D. Goswami and P.K. Mandal (2012), Photovoltaic characterization of dye-sensitized solar cells with natural dyes using synthesized ZnO nanostructures, Journal of Nepal Chemical Society,Vol.30, No.2 , pp. 56-61.
  15. I.B. Karki, S. Chatterjee, J. J. Nakarmi, D. Sinha, D. Goswami and P.K. Mandal (2011),  Fabrication of dye-sensitized solar cells with Zinc oxide nanorod electrodes, Proceedings of Renewable Energy Technology for Rural Development, RETRUD- 2011,Oct.12-14, Kathmandu, pp. 205-209.   
  16. I.B. Karki (1999), Performance evaluation of solar photovoltaic (PV) water pumping systems, Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference on Science and Technology, Vol.1, RONAST, Kathmandu.
  17. I. B. Karki (2018), Outdoor Performance Characterization of the Poly-crystalline Silicon Solar Module, Journal of Science Foundation,  Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 13-19. DOI:
  18. I.B. Karki, J.J. Nakarmi, P. K. Mandal and S. Chatterjee, (2013), Effect of organic dyes on the performance of ZnO based dye- sensitized solar cells, Applied Solar Energy, Springer, Vol.49, No.1, pp. 40-45. DOI: 10.3103/S000371X13010052. 
  19. I.B. Karki, J. J. Nakarmi, P. K. Mandal and S. Chatterjee, (2012), Dye-sensitized solar cell using extract of  Punica Granatum L. Pomegranate (Bedana) as a natural sensitizer, Research Journal of Chemical Science, Vol. 2, No.12, pp.81-83.
  20. I.B. Karki, S. Chatterjee, P. Biswas, A. Basu Majumder, N. Kumar, M. Singh, and B.Bera,  (2012), Zinc oxide nanorod sensing element for detection of tea aroma, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Xplore) , pp. 567-570.  DOI: 10.1109/ICSensT.2012.6461743  
  21. P. Biswas, A. Basu Majumder, N. Kumar, M. Singh, B. Bera, I.B. Karki, and S. Chatterjee, (2012), Correlation of taster’s scores with biochemical and electronic sensor data for Darjeeling orthodox tea, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Xplore), pp.769-774.DOI: 10.1109/ ICSensT.2012.6461781    
  22. I.B. Karki, S. Chatterjee and P.K. Mandal (2011), Nanostructured Sensing Material for Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds, Lucknow Journal of Science, Lucknow Univesity, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 289-292.
  23. S. Chatterjee, I. B. Karki, D. Sinha, D. Goswami and P.K. Mandal (2011), ZnO nanorod based dye sensitized solar cell devices, International Symposium on Energy Materials: Opportunities and Challenges (ISEM-2011), CGCRI, March 1-2, Kolkata, pp. 35-37.
  24. D. Faiman, D. Bukobza, S. Kabalo, I.B. Karki, Medwed, B., V. Melnichak, and H. Oldenkamp (2010), A Status Report from the Field. Proceedings of the 16th Sede Boqer Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, Jan.14-15, Israel, pp. 85-88.
  25. I.B. Karki and D. Faiman (2004), AC- module type DC - AC inverters for grid connected photovoltaic (PV) systems: A study of their performance dependence on external conditions, Proceedings of the Nepal Physical Society, 20th Annual Convention, Kathmandu, Vol.10, No.1 pp.13-20.
  26. I.B. Karki and D. Faiman (2004), A Study of the Performance of the AC- Module Type Inverter (OK4E-100) for Grid Connected Photovoltaic (PV) Systems in Negev Desert, Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Science and Technology, Vol.II. NAST, Khumaltar, Lalitpur. 
  27. I.B. Karki and D. Faiman (2003), AC- module type DC - AC inverters for grid connected photovoltaic (PV) systems: A study of their performance dependence on external conditions, Proceedings of RETRUD-03, Centre for Energy Study, IOE,  TU., Kathmandu
  28. S. Biryukov, D. Faiman, S.Kabalo and I. B. Karki (2004), Long - term effect of dirt on unattended PV systems in the Negev, Proceedings of the12th Sede Boqer Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, Feb.23-24, Israel, pp.111-114.
  29. D. Faiman, A. Kernieli, N. Ninari, I. B. Karki, A.W. Bett, G. Siofer, N. van der Borg, A.R. Burgers, E.D. Dunlop, B. Fari Boyson, J. Kratochvil, D. Myers, J. Olivieri, K. Otani, G.Saia, I. Anton and D. Pachon (2003), Measurement and comparison of the ratio of the direct beam to normal hemispherical solar spectra in various parts of the world, Proceeding of the 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, IEEE, Vol. 2, pp. 2255-2258, Osaka, Japan.
  30. D. Faiman, D. Bukovza, S. Kabalo, I. B. Karki, B. Medwed, V.Melnichak, E. de Held, and H. Oldenkamp (2003), Amorphous, mono-and poly-crystalline silicon PV modules: a comparative study of their relative efficiencies under various outdoor conditions, Proceeding of the 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, IEEE, Vol. 2, pp.1938-1941, Osaka, Japan.
  31. D. Faiman, D. Bukovza, S. Kabalo, I. B. Karki, B. Medwed, V.Melnichak, E. de Held, and H. Oldenkamp (2003), A field method for determining the efficiency of each face of a bi-facial photovoltaic module, Proceeding of the 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, IEEE, Vol. 2, pp.1988-1991, Osaka, Japan.
  32. D. Faiman, D. Bukovza, S. Kabalo, I. B. Karki, B. Medwed, V.Melnichak, E. de Held, and H. Oldenkamp (2003), A 1-year, side-by-side comparison of: static; 1 – Axis tracking; and V- trough mirror- associated grid – connected PV modules in desert environment, Proceeding of the 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, IEEE, Vol.2, pp.2190-95, Osaka,Japan. ISBN: 499018162X, 9784990181628.

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