Arhan Sthapit, PhD
Faculty of Management & Law
Nepal Open University, Lalitpur, Nepal
Prof. Dr. Sthapit is a management practitioner-turned academician. Dr. Sthapit joined Nepal Open University as Professor of Management on 15th May, 2019. Earlier, he served Tribhuvan University for eight years since 5th January 2012. He was educated in Management, Mass Communication (Journalism) and Global Trade and IPR in Nepal, India and USA, and was awarded PhD degree in Management (Strategic HR) by Jodhpur National University, Rajasthan, India in 2014.
He has 23 years of industry experience: 6.5 years at low and mid-management levels of NABIL Bank and Nepal Bangladesh Bank; and 11 months in GIZ (German International Cooperation) and 15 years at The Rising Nepal English daily of Nepal Government (resigned as Senior Associate Editor). He has successfully completed dozens of management and communication related consultancy jobs with supra-national, multilateral and national organisations. As an academician, he is widely recognised as the faculty of International Business, Strategic HRM, Strategic Management and Global Marketing/ Trade and as well as for the case-based teaching (a Harvard University-IIMA certified/ 2016).
Dr Sthapit is an accomplished researcher having an international research author ID: ORCID iD 0000-0002-2799-4936); he has published more than three dozen of research papers in peer-reviewed/ refereed journals of international repute, 8 textbooks and some 1,725 general articles in Management and other topical issues. Prof. Sthapit is involved in editing of 11 peerreviewed journals published from different countries. As the Key Note Speaker, he has addressed seven international conferences and 12 webinars organised in different countries.
Dr. Sthapit has successfully completed consultancy responsibilities in the sectors of management and communication with a number of supranational, multilateral and national organisations. He has been a resource person in such organisations, as well as training institutes and universities of Nepal and abroad.
Prof Dr Sthapit has continuously been listed in
‘Who’s Who in Nepal’ publication as a
“noted writer, English editor and university teacher” since 2001. Recipient of Nepal Vidhya Bhushan Class ‘A’ from the President of Nepal, is the recipient of prestigious international award ‘The Dean of International Peace Prize-2019’ (DOIPP-2019).
You can download Prof Dr Sthapit’s brief CV here and detailed CV here or write to