
ICEFRT aims to bring together the global academic community in the picturesque setting of Kathmandu, Nepal. It is jointly organized by Cardiff Business School (CARBS), Cardiff University and the Open University Nepal. CARBS is a leading business school in the UK with a clear Public Value Mission: striving to make a positive impact in local communities and beyond. The conference hopes to contribute to the capacity building and facilitating networking for Nepali academics by providing the opportunity to share the latest research in economics, finance, management, and related disciplines.

When: September 12-13, 2024

ICEFRT welcomes both the young and emerging as well as established academics and practicing economists to present their cutting-edge research, engage in academic discussions, network with peers, and collaborate on future research projects. The conference features keynote speeches, paper presentations, and poster sessions. It serves as an important forum for advancing knowledge and fostering collaboration.

Where: Shangrila Blu Hotel, Lalitpur, Nepal

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ICEFRT 2024 Schedule


Macroeconomics and Microeconomics
Financial Markets and Institutions
Monetary Policy and Central Banking
International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and Decentralization
Regional Developments focusing on China, India and South and East Asia
Migration and the rural-urban poverty
Endogenous Growth Models
Migration and Macroeconomy
R&D, innovations, and knowledge spillovers
Corporate Finance
Econometrics and Quantitative Methods
Financial Regulation and Risk Management


Organizing committee

Prof. Shilu Manandhar Bajracharya, VC, Nepal Open University, Nepal.
Prof. Kul B Luintel (Conference co-chair), Cardiff university.
Prof. Kent Matthews (Conference co-chair), Cardiff University and University of Nottingham Ningbo China.
Dr. Govinda Singh Bista, Registrar, Nepal Open University, Nepal.
Mr. Mohan Das Manandhar, Nepal Open University, Nepal.


Coordination committee

Mr. Mohan Das Manandhar, Coordinator
Dr. Hari Prasad Dhungana, Member
Dr. Bhojraj Ghimire, Member
Dr. Gyan Bahadur Tamang, Member
Dr. Bhim Prasad Bhusal, Member
Dr. Rajkumar KC, Member
Mr. Ubash Yadav, Member


For more information please contact us at icefrt@nou.edu.np

Call For Papers

Paper Submission

Submission Open
Extended Submission date: 31/07/2024
 Decision Date: 10/08/24

Keynote Speakers

Prof Fabio Canova
Professor of Macroeconomics ,  BI Norwegian business school

Professor Yong Wang
Professor of Economics, Peking University

Conference Arrangements

(i) Double accommodation (with breakfast) US$90 per night
(ii) Single accommodation (with breakfast) US$80 per night

Conference Fee

USD $350 for international participants (includes Conference fee, conference reception, conference dinner, and a half-day guided sightseeing of historical Bhaktapur & Kathmandu City)
Postdoctoral researchers $150
USD $200 for participants from SAARC countries
USD$75 for Nepali participants.



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